Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Summer Evening with Denyse Schmidt

Philly Modern Quilt Guild  sponsored a special event this weekend featuring modern quilter, Denyse Schmidt. I was able to attend the Friday evening lecture held at the Waldorf School in Philadelphia and although I had met Denyse this past May 2012 at Quilt Market in Kansas City ,  I found this lecture so very interesting & full of things I never knew about her! She is one very talented modern quilter, who's quilting career started alittle differently than most quilters I  know. She started with making high end commisioned quilts in NYC  for several exclusive retailers and that led to her  becoming very well known many  interior decorating & architectural circles. From there her career has led  to designing  fabrics for Westminster Fibers, writing books & several quilting patterns and now lecturing as a Modern Quilter.

Denyse Schmidt, as Andrew  introduced her the room of 51 attendees! 

My Ticket!

 Members of the Philly Modern Quilt Quild made quilts using her fabulous fabrics.

Here is an off centered half square triangle arrangment that really caught my eye made  with Flea Market Fancy.
Ana (left)shows shows her favorite string quilt that used on of Denyse's older fabric lines.

Denyse's latest fabric line Flea Market Fancy, as well as her books & patterns are available at the shop.

The Village Quilter 10 Charles Street Mt. Holly NJ 08060

1 comment:

Denise in PA said...

It was a great night! It was good to see you again, too!