I am joining Quilt Shops across the USA & suggesting you all join this Summer's 9-Patch Project! Just for fun & just to make us feel like we are using up our fabric stash! I am challenging you all to do (1) block a day for 45 days. That should bring us to August where we will have fun sharing ideas of putting them together!
So just make one nine patch block each day using your stash. Just one block each day. Any size, any color, using any method There are no 9 Patch Police, so if you prefer to sit down and make a weeks worth of blocks at one time, that's OK too. I'm recommending a 6" finished block, but you can choose any size you like (actually I have tons of 5" squares so I am going to make big ones too). Bigger blocks mean bigger quilts. Here's a cool way of making a 9-Patch Block.